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VA - Dark Toxic X-MAS 2022 (2022)

VA - Dark Toxic X-MAS 2022 mp3
Artist/Band: VA (Russia)

Album: Dark Toxic X-MAS 2022 (Compilation)

Genre: Dark Electro, EBM, Synth Pop

Release date: 2022

Format: MP3 (CBR 320 kbit/s)

Size: 327 Mb

Track listing (Список песен):

1. Antilav - Why (5:12)
2. LARVA - Brain damage (3:59)
3. Preemptive Strike 0.1 - And You Will Wake Up InTerror (IC434 REMIX) (4:49)
4. ElektroTerapi - Das Spiel (3:52)
5. Sexsomnia - Dopamine (Injected Mix) (4:42)
6. DIVERJE - PANIC VIRUS (Waijdan Remix) (4:05)
7. Escaped Trees - POŁUDNICA (4:28)
8. Slichtnacht - Reactor (Winter Soul Cover) (5:39)
9. Fundustrial - This is Fundustrial! (4:15)
10. Midian Dite - Cosmic Addiction (4:01)
11. STRΛDIE - НАДЕЖДА (4:26)
12. Teknovore - Make Us Whole (5:25)
13. Vol. A.D. - Lost (RDC Version) (5:22)
14. Say Just Words - Piedra de la locura (5:43)
15. Raziel X - Адепт (3:44)
16. Subliminal Code - Push Me Down (5:49)
17. N-616 - Я могла бы (3:44)
18. INSPIRA & FoxyFly - Spells (It's Merry Christmas Time) (4:33)
19. Logan Ryuk - Remnants And Ashes (5:01)
21. The End Ov Anubis - Sheut (4:51)
22. Gamma10 - Mi a val​ó​s​á​g? (3:53)
23. Diverje - The Virus Of Violence (Chains Of Agony Remix) (4:22)
24. Monzanto - Awareness (4:01)
25. Scars Are Soulless - Alter the Unreachable (3:52)
26. M.o.N.S.T.R - Blitzkrieg (4:50)
27. PISCIDE - Vaeterchen Frost (4:38)
28. Вальсирующие Псы - Yes I Know (Die Frau Im Mond) (4:57)
29. Chronosapiens - Frozen Love (3:34)
30. MonsterTools - Психогений (feat Maximov) (4:16)
31. LONDON SADNESS - The Future (4:42)

Скачать VA - Dark Toxic X-MAS 2022 (2022) download       

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    Views: 146 | Author: fox15 | Publication date: 13 Jan 2025
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