Music albums mp3 & flac: 180K total, 17K on the free hosts
VA - Gothic Enigma II (1999) |
Track listing (Список песен):
01. Moon Far Away / Praesagium 4:20 02. Lady Besery's Garden / After Dark 4:52 03. Fiction 8 / Isolation 4:15 04. The Dawn Visitors / She's in Tears 3:51 05. Diary of Dreams / Never Freese 5:11 06. Brother Orchid / Warmth Beneath Winter 4:48 07. Star Industry / Ceremonial 6:04 08. Children on Stun / Mondo Weird 3:43 09. Malochia / Resist remix 4:27 10. Spindle Shanks / The Dream Like Emily 3:31 11. Jack on Jive / Grasp the Earth 5:33 12. Gestalt / De Dans der Wanhoop 4:31 13. Ecodalia / Dead 4:03 14. Dawn of Oblivion / The Hellfire Sermon 3:58 15. Wings of Destiny / Maze of Love 3:46 16. Autumn / Venetian 5:58
Скачать VA - Gothic Enigma II (1999) download
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